Flixya Migrates to Amazon Web Services
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Due to ongoing performance issues and to increase scalability Flixya.com has migrated to Amazon Web Services.
We are using Amazon S3 for hosting images, which saves us drive space and storage. We are also using Amazon EC2, with an extra large instance. A perfect solution to enable extended memory.
We are also using EBS for the database, which allows for quick snapshots, which is great for back ups. In addition, we have an EBS volume that is being used for cached data.
The entire Flixya platform is now hosted on Amazon Web Services.
Labels: Amazon Web Services, AWS, EC2, Flixya, S3
posted by Flixya @ 8:39 AM,
Flixya, Featured Google Adsense API Case Study
Flixya has been selected as a featured Google Adsense API Case study. See below:
Flixya uses Google AdSense and the AdSense API to remain profitable while sharing 100 percent of revenues from user-generated content.
Read the full case study here: http://code.google.com/apis/adsense/docs/casestudies/flixya.html
Flixya Case Study:
Started July 2006 as a video site with a dedicated, loyal member base, Flixya.com has grown to support a thriving social media community. While Flixya makes it easy to share videos, photos, and blogs, the company has also consistently sought to do more to give back to its members and to those in need. From the beginning, Flixya’s goals have been to offer the most engaging elements of popular social networking sites and to allow members who contribute content to the site to share in ad revenue.
Today, true to its tagline "Share Everything," Flixya has become the first social networking platform to pay members 100 percent of the ad revenue from their user-generated content and have the funds distributed directly to its users.
"We believe that the true value of social networking is the community, and we continue to strive to promote member ownership with our platform," says co-founder and CEO Adam Oliver.
We are happy to be in good company with Blogger, Hubpages.com and Rateitall.com!
Labels: Blogger, Case Study, Flixya, Google Adsense API, Hubpages, Rateitall
posted by Flixya @ 8:29 AM,
Flixya Traffic and New Markets
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
We've seen a recent cross-over from ucash.in (another service created by our team) to Flixya, from visitors from Brazil. Currently, ucash.in is ranked a top 39 website in the country of Brazil, which is a welcome surprise as we see Brazil as an emerging market.
Recently, we have been told by quite a few sources, that Flixya.com is recognized as the number one site for revenue share. Curious to find out how we rank on Google? Type the words Revenue Share into Google search. Flixya is the second result, below Wikipedia and above the Google Adsense API result.
It is also interesting to note that currently, our membership is over 50,000 members and all through word-of-mouth advertising.
Here is a well written article by James Comer, translated in Portuguese.
O que é Flixya 2,0?
por James Comer
A versão mais nova do Flixya-Flixya 2,0 é a versão mais recente de uma rede social muito popular online site. Uma vez que você chega lá você pode hospedar suas fotos, vídeos você partes, blog sua vida-e de fato-"share tudo", de acordo com Flixya. Isso inclui o dinheiro que é gerado a partir da ala anúncios do Google AdSense (tm) que aparecem em torno do seu conteúdo. Flixya dá-lhe a totalidade das receitas que é ganho quando a gente vai clicar em anúncios que são exibidos nas suas páginas.
Flixya faturamento-se como o único social-networking site que lhe paga de volta 100% da receita gerada publicidade em seus sites a partir de anúncios colocados em torno do conteúdo que você adicionar. Você pode criar seus próprios blogs, fazer o upload de suas fotos, e criar blogs sobre sua vida.
Eu tenho que pagar para usar Flixya?
Nada a todos, é grátis.
O que é 100% Compartilhamento de receita?
Com Flixya, os usuários receberão 100% da receita gerada a partir do anúncio impressões de anúncios que são mostrados nas páginas com o seu conteúdo (fotos, vídeos, blogs, etc.) Google AdSense (tm) poderes do anúncio no programa Flixya e não exige que você se inscreva-para ser capaz de recolher a receita de anúncios, durante o registro. Você também pode fazer isso com as definições de anúncios página que fica visível quando você estiver conectado ao site.
Receitas de anúncios?
Simples, Você está visitando o seu dinheiro sempre que alguém clica em uma das páginas do Google Adsense (tm) propagandas.
Como posso compartilhar vídeos?
Flixya permite carregar ou compartilhar seus vídeos do Google Video, YouTube, Daily Motion, e outros sites populares em vídeo on-line partilha. Eles recentemente libertado Flixya vídeo Editora 2.0a para Firefox. Este add-on é uma grande ferramenta para transferir os seus vídeos do YouTube, Metacafe, Revver, Livevideo, Bolt, Veoh, o Google Video, Daily Motion e Break. Usando esta ferramenta pode se tornar altamente viciante. Vídeos populares também podem ser votados para cima ou para baixo e aparecem na página inicial baseado nesta votação.
Eu posso compartilhar fotos?
Na Flixya, você pode compartilhar suas fotos com a sua família, amigos, e eles também oferecem hospedagem ilimitada ebay leilão imagem como um dos melhores sites compartilhar fotos online.
O seu próprio perfil pessoal
Na Flixya, elas permitem que você crie o seu próprio perfil pessoal e você pode ligar para seus amigos e compartilhar, interesses pessoais, fotografias, vídeos e blogs.
E posso Blog?
Sim, você pode criar seu próprio blog. Um blog é a abreviação de "weblog". Um blog é um tipo de diário on-line ou cronológica lista do que você está pensando. Estes são geralmente mantidas diariamente por você e refletir a sua própria personalidade. Você é incentivado a criar o seu próprio blog (s) e você pode promover a si e / ou acrescentar outros conteúdos. Você começa a cobrar 100% do dinheiro que é obtido a partir de seus blogs em torno do conteúdo, também.
Social bookmarking, também?
Flixya tem coisas muito bem cobertos. Muito mais do que eu tenho espaço para escrever sobre aqui.
James Comer é um escritor independente sobre coisas que são interessantes para ele na internet. Se você quiser saber mais sobre Flixya e abrir um novo mundo de redes sociais online possibilidades para si mesmo.
Flixya.com é reconhecida como a número um site de receitas partes. Curioso para saber como nós classificação no Google? Tipo de Compartilhamento de receita! Nós somos o segundo resultado, wikipedia abaixo e acima do Google Adsense.
Por favor visite www.flixya.com e inscreva-se e manter 100% das receitas!
Labels: Brazil, Google Adsense, Make Money, Portuguese
posted by Flixya @ 1:32 PM,
Interview with Ivan Wong, Flixya Co-Founder
Friday, February 01, 2008
Ivan Wong: USC Electrical Engineering Student, Web Entrepreneur and Innovator
Ivan Wong is a masters student in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California. He has passion in multimedia and Internet technologies. After graduating from the University of California, San Diego with a BS in Electrical Engineering, Ivan worked on multi-level flash memory and on the side co-produced an action sports television show. Having created several sites previously, Ivan worked on creating an online action sports portal to expand the reach of the show.
"Although the site did not take off as expected, it made me open my eyes to the many aspects that are required to make a website successful," Ivan explains. Spending his nights reading webmaster forums and blogs, Ivan slowly learned the dynamics behind popular websites and built several more prototypes. In July 2006, Flixya.com was launched and gained traction quickly with a world wide audience.
In 2007, Ivan and his partners founded Hybrid Media Labs. The company has developed a network of innovative media driven websites and established strategic partnerships with companies such as Google and Amazon.
Hybrid Media Labs created Flixya.com, a social network website which distributes ad revenues to site participants. Read below for more information about this project.
Help us understand what you are up to:
I have been developing website properties that enable the consumption, distribution and monetization of digital media. The parent company which I co-founded is Hybrid Media Labs.
What drives you to continue pursuing this area of study?
My motivation comes from the satisfaction of creating highly trafficked websites that serve a niche market.
Describe how your work might impact people’s lives, now and in the future.
Flixya.com is a social network that pays its users ad revenue (100% ad revenue passed to the contributing member) to share media. We have created a profitable and unconventional business model, and a tool for Internet users to monetize their media. We also have a collection of other sites which offer online tools and services which are built around different business models.
How did you come up with the idea?
We created several prototypes in the video sharing space and later felt there was a niche in the revenue sharing arena. After a month of rapid development, we launched Flixya version 1 which incorporated ideas of our initial prototypes with a revenue sharing model.
Has anyone ever doubted that your idea could work?
Definitely, ideas after all are a dime a dozen. However, after many past failures it’s become more apparent on which ones will succeed. Every doubter becomes a motivator as I enjoy defying odds.
What is the next step in the innovation process for you (and how might people help)?
Everyday is part of the innovation process and it repeats with the launch of each new project. The innovation process for me usually involves brainstorming, market research, feasibility studies, site architecture planning, design UI, project specifications, marketing analysis, SEO, etc. Those are just a few steps that all occur during the innovation process for these web properties. Living and breathing in the so-called ‘trenches’ has been an interesting and rewarding experience.
What mistake taught you the most?
I don’t treat mistakes as ‘mistakes’, but rather experiences that help shape me into a better innovator and entrepreneur.
What is the one innovation you can’t live without?
The Internet.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
On the side, I am a photographer and enjoy video production. I am also a downhill mountain biker and enjoy extreme sports.
What do you wish you would have invented?
The Zip-tie – simple, but high impact ideas.
Any tips for aspiring innovators?
‘Just do it’ – be aware that risk and failure are always inherent, but don’t have that stop you.
Email or phone?
What is the most fun you’ve ever had?
Downhill mountain biking in Lake Tahoe. Being one with nature is one of the best things man can enjoy.
Three favorite things about LA:
Food, USC beating UCLA, warm weather
The full write up is on USC Stevens:
Ivan Wong: USC Electrical Engineering Student, Web Entrepreneur and Innovator
Labels: Flixya, Hybrid Media Labs, USC Electrical Engineering, USC Innovator Showcase, Viterbi, Web Entrepreneur
posted by Flixya @ 2:06 AM,
Flixya Launches Ucash and HM Labs - January 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Videos | Photos |Blogs | Invite Friends | Ucash.in -

Flixya has grown to over 30,000 members (all by word of mouth) and we want to say thank you!
New Services from the Flixya Team
We've been very busy with the launch of three new services and more on the way.
HM Labs (hmlabs.net) short for Hybrid Media Labs, is the official name for the services that we are adding to a growing network of sites.
Ucash.in - Turn Links into Cash™
The first is Ucash.in, which has three important aspects: social bookmarking, a url service that converts long url links into shorter url links, and a service that turns your existing links and new links into cash! Great for bloggers, forum users, webmasters, business users and more. Ucash.in makes it easy and simple to get paid for posting and sharing links. Sign up now!
- Create a single link, multiple links or convert entire web pages with one click.
- Save and share bookmarks with a personalized url: username.ucash.in
- Shorten urls. Long urls may break when added to forums, comments or emails.
- Make money with image galleries. Example: http://ucash.in/gallery/1877c
- Ucash Link Management, Tracking, Reporting and Payment System
- Ucash Referral Program. Make money just by referring friends!
Filebam - Free File Hosing
The second is: FileBam.com - a free, file hosting service that allows you to upload files to share with family and friends. Familiar with Rapidshare? We think you'll like our service even more. Give it a test drive. No registration is required or register for additional storage and features! With FileBam, you can upload any file format up to 50MB (100MB for free accounts and 2GB for premium accounts), and we provide you a link to download and share your file. Sign up!
Imagebam - Fast, Free Image Hosting
The third is ImageBam.com - is free image hosting site with galleries for forums, blogs, ebay, craigslist, myspace, etc.Features:
- 3mb files size limit
- Unlimited downloads
- Unlimited uploads
- No registration (optional)
- Fast servers
- Easy to use
We have more in the works and hope you find the latest tools useful. Take a look and enjoy the new services. We think you'll find the new services easy to use, friendly and a great addition to the HM Labs network. Sign up!
Important Tip: Promoting these tools and Flixya.com, increases traffic and will have a postive impact on your earnings! Be sure to promote to everyone you know, including friends and family. An increase in traffic and membership benefits everyone. :) Why wait? Invite Friends Now!
Flixya Photo and Video Flash Widget
The Flixya Widget has been added to the Tools page to help you distribute your content across multiple sites. The widget is a work in progress, so please let us know if you find any bugs. Log in to your Flixya account to create a custom widget!
Flixya Widget Screenshot:
Top 5 Ways to Drive Traffic on Flixya (submitted by Videobam)
1. Add quality content!
2. Share your content with friends and family!
3. Always add accurate titles (Not repetitive)
4. Always add a description!
5. Always add tags and relevant keywords!
Flixya Publisher Firefox Extension
We're working on a new version of the Flixya Publisher Firefox Extension, so keep an eye out on the Tools page. Right now, we are aware of the problem with YouTube videos, since they made a recent change to their site. We'll have a fix soon, so hang in there, it will be back soon!
Scheduled Improvements in February
We will be releasing recent fixes over the next few weeks, starting in February. Please remember, if you ever run into problems, have suggestions or comments, feel free to send us an email or for support questions, please visit the support forums.
Thanks again for being a member of the Flixya community. Party like a Rock$tar! ;)
The Flixya Team
Flixya.com - Share Videos, Photos, Blogs and Make Money!
Labels: filebam, get paid to share links, imagebam, Make Money, rapidshare, ucash, ucash.in
posted by Flixya @ 12:06 AM,
Flixya Participates in USC Innovator Showcase
Friday, October 12, 2007
Congratulations to Flixya Co-founder, COO and USC graduate student, Ivan Wong, who was selected to participate in USC's first student innovator showcase held on October 11th, 2007, presented by the USC Stevens Institute for Innovation.
The Student Innovator Showcase and Competition attracted nearly 60 teams of students, from all corners of the university and in total, more than 200 students applied to participate in the competition and showcase. Flixya was one of 40 exhibits presented at the showcase this year.
Flixya generated a lot of interest and we enjoyed the opportunity to field questions and offer more information about the Flixya community and services. To find out more information, read about the article in the Los Angeles Times.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello and feel free to email us a photo of you and your new Flixya t-shirt!

Labels: Flixya, Ivan Wong, USC Innovator Showcase, USC Stevens Institute for Innovation
posted by Flixya @ 2:44 PM,
Flixya Launches Google AdSense Powered Social Network Where Members Keep All Revenue
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Flixya.com launches social media networking site that gives all the money to its online community to promote member ownership.
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) August 1, 2007 -- Flixya, (www.flixya.com) a social media network, announced that they are pursuing new strategies for the monetization of social media in the release of Flixya 2.0. This new release, fully integrated with Google AdSense™, seamlessly allows content producers to make money with their content contributions.
Flixya.com - A Social Networking Platform that Pays Members 100% Ad Revenue
![]() ![]() |
Finding an effective method to reward the content producers and the community of social networks is an important step in the advancement of social media.
"Social networking is quickly becoming an important outlet for sharing new and interesting content online," said Kim Malone, Google's director of online sales and operations. "We are pleased that Flixya's incorporation of Google AdSense will enable its community to earn revenue from the relevant ads on their web pages and help advertisers reach the social networking market."
Flixya continues to make strides in building strategic business relationships to reshape the traditional social networking business model.
"Our belief is that the true value of social networking is the community, and we continue to strive to promote member ownership with our platform," said Adam Oliver, CEO and Flixya co-founder. "Working with Google provides an effective and relevant method of monetizing member content. By rewarding the community of contributing members at 100%, we feel Flixya represents the second generation of social networking and raises the bar by setting the standard for the future of online social responsibility."
Best of Breed Feature Set in Flixya.com 2.0
-- Integrated and seamless content distribution beyond the Flixya domain.
-- Media distribution tools for posting to popular social bookmarking and social networking sites.
-- Make Money via Google Adsense
-- Popular videos may be voted on and using an up/down voting system.
-- Personal profile allows for sharing personal interests, friends, share videos, photos and blog posts.
-- Media enabled blogging software that allows for customization of HTML and the ability to add video, photo and Google search results.
-- Unlimited image hosting for inserting images into Craigslist or online classified listings.
In addition to the latest release of the Flixya platform, new features to be released include: an adaptive ad optimization algorithm, a mobile application suite, media storage widget, private groups, geotagging, and Facebook API integration.
"Flixya features and functionality have matured to the level where the end user experience for our members is an integral part of the equation," said Ivan Wong, Flixya 2.0 co-founder and chief operating officer. "Our focus is to continue to offer innovative tools for our members to consume, distribute, and monetize digital media."
About Flixya:
Founded in July 2006 by co-founders Ivan Wong, USC graduate student and Adam Oliver, former director of Stubhub, Inc., Flixya, is a social networking platform where members keep all revenue generated through Google AdSense for sharing videos, photos, and blogs. Flixya is a privately owned company based in San Francisco with a satellite office in Los Angeles. For more information, visit http://www.flixya.com
Ken Schwartz
pr @ flixya.com
Trackback URL: http://www.prweb.com/pingpr.php/U2luZy1Db3VwLVN1bW0tU3F1YS1UaGlyLVplcm8=
Labels: blogging, Google Adsense, image hosting, Make Money, Revenue Share, revver, social media, Social Networking, video share, Youtube
posted by Flixya @ 10:59 PM,
Website Magazine Lists Flixya as Top 50 Video Sharing Site
Friday, August 10, 2007

Link to story: http://www.websitemagazine.com/content/blogs/posts/articles/2705.aspx
Labels: Flixya, Online Video, share videos, top video sharing site, website magazine
posted by Flixya @ 1:55 PM,