Flixya Press Release
Monday, July 31, 2006
YouTube With a Heart - Newcomer to Online Video Flixya.com Offers a 50% Revenue Share For Members or Charitable Causes | |
Flixya, The First Online Video Community With a 50% Revenue Share, Rewards Program and Charity Component. South San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) August 2, 2006 -- Flixya.com (www.flixya.com) has launched the beta version of their new video sharing community website. The free video sharing community isn't just another YouTube. "We're building an online community and offering an incentive to share videos from the growing list of video web sites," explains co-founder Adam Oliver, a former Director at Stubhub.com. "We didn't want to build another YouTube." Rather, the two man start-up is building a network of niche specific sites and meeting the challenges of monetizing online video. "While working on a number of video related concepts, we started to see very specific niche communities emerge with less than a handful of sites offering any type of incentive to it's participating members." Flixya is delivering a necessary method of monetizing videos for content producers and a rewards program for contributing members. "Flixya.com is the first community driven video web site that offers a 50/50 revenue share, rewards program and a voluntary charity component for contributing to those in need." "Flixya is proud to be fundamentally built on the foundation that encourages it's members to share everything," says co-founder Ivan Wong "Online video is an engaging platform and an untapped audience for advocating awareness of charitable causes." The Flixya charity program features an opt-in contribution of 50% of member-generated ad revenue. "We are excited about our growing list of charities that we support and look forward to contributing to local, national and international causes." REVENUE SHARE The Flixya revenue share program monetizes video by offering a 50/50 ad revenue split utilizing Google Adsense and an in-house ad publishing system. Members can earn 50% of ad revenue from content they submit or contribute the 50% to a charitable cause. "It is has been rewarding to develop a community for connecting people with engaging and entertaining videos." And like YouTube, the next phase of Flixya includes the ability to upload videos in addition to sharing videos from around the Internet. "By the time we are out of Beta, we'll have a targeted user base that can upload video just like YouTube. However, our focus at this point in time, is to aggregate content from the 200 existing video sites and build our core audience." says Adam Oliver. REWARDS PROGRAM The Flixya multi-tiered rewards program features $5000 worth of merchandise. Members can earn points for sharing videos, friend referrals and posting comments. 30,000 points will get you a $100 gift card to Abercrombie and Fitch, 110,000 a T-Mobile Sidekick 3. At the top of the list, 600,000 Flixya points will get you an Apple Macbook Pro. About Flixya: Flixya.com is an online video community with rewards. http://www.flixya.com Resources: YouTube.com http://www.youtube.com Google Adsense http://www.google.com/adsense Stubhub.com http://www.stubhub.com Contact: Adam Oliver / Ivan Wong Flixya 21 Airport Blvd, Suite H South San Francisco, CA 94080 phone: 415-637-3307 ### Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/dingpr.php/TG92ZS1IYWxmLVNxdWEtSW5zZS1JbnNlLVplcm8= |
Help digg us!
posted by Flixya @ 3:47 PM,
Flixya.com Beta launches

We're about to launch the site. Should be sometime in the next hour or so. Here is a screenshot of the new home page.
posted by Flixya @ 1:13 PM,
5:52 am Sunday
Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's always fun to be up and staring at server stats early in the morning. We are ironing out some bugs.
This time last year I was returning from my first trip to New York. I parked a rental car at a parking garage and I left it for three consecutive days. When I returned the garage attendant burst out laughing and asked me if I had seen the "No Overnight Parking Allowed" signs. He walked off and left me standing there. After about a minute or so, he drove up with the car and smiled and said "Have a nice day" and charged me for sixteen hours. I drove off and ended up in Queens at a small, 1950's style gas station asking directions on how to get to Connecticut. An older man gave me simple (and accurate) directions as I was filling the gas tank -- and with a big smile on his face, he jumped back in his early 70's Cadillac and drove off.
Flixya gives me that same feeling. Feels good to be going somewhere new.
posted by Flixya @ 5:55 AM,
3 weeks and We're on Track
Thursday, July 27, 2006

For the last 3 weeks, we've been in a constant state of (controlled?) chaos. The best part of making it through the last 1,260 hours -- We are on schedule to release this puppy.
posted by Flixya @ 1:20 PM,
One Day Closer to Beta Launch
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Thanks for everyones support as we get one day closer to our beta launch. We are still revising some issues here and there. If all goes well, we should have something up before the end of this week.
posted by Flixya @ 10:05 PM,
One Week Into Flixya
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We've had numerous challenges working on the programming aspects of the site. We have made progress and continue to build out the user features and administrative back-end. The good news: Our designer is outstanding and has redefined a few key phrases and acroynyms. To Joanna's credit, "OMG" being the most frequent (check out her site: pixel lounge).We may still be on target. Either way, we're one week into Flixya and not turning back.
posted by Flixya @ 2:51 PM,
Google Search for "Flixya"
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

1 search result appears and this is where Flixya will start its humble journey up the ladder. Our server was setup over the weekend and we are ready to do live testing and configurations on it soon. In the meantime, the team has been working on the design and layout aspects of the site.
posted by Flixya @ 12:21 AM,