New Features
Friday, October 27, 2006
If you're reading this -- you may have noticed a few changes. We're slowing rolling out new features and over the next few days, hope to iron out any bugs.
We intended to roll out the majority of features some time ago -- however our programmer and friend Guna has been recovering from being ill, which resulted in some delays. The good news is, Guna is doing well and we were able to make some progress.
Over the next few weeks, we'll announce key partnerships and we hope to roll out more tools as we continue to make improvements to our service.
An article in sums up the current video sphere: "...the relationship between YouTube and the entertainment companies is so complex. Many in the technology industry believe the two sides, despite the rocky relationship, need each other."
That makes a very clear point: Content may be King but a dynamic distribution network and the ability to deliver media to an audience for mass consumption is the winning formula. Symbiotic relationships can exist in the online video world.
posted by Flixya @ 1:38 AM,
Flixya Member - Ziadchatila Shares His Video Sharing Tips
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I first heard of a few months back and was immediately attracted to the idea of earning a potential income from doing what I enjoyed: sharing videos. When YouTube came online last year, the Internet community starting witnessing a fundamental shift in online entertainment and video distribution. Unfortunately, many companies like You Tube and others have yet to turn a profit nor reward its users upon which they depend. This is where Flixya comes in. Flixya has found a simple and effective way to monetize video distribution but at the same time financially reward its users.
Making money with Flixya is a relatively simple process. While you won't be able to quit your day job, the site can offer you another source of income that can add up over time. There are two and only two things you need to do to make money: find a great video and then promote it!
Here are a few guidelines for finding great videos:
1) If a video has been already viewed 2 million times, then chances are it's too late. So just move on!
2) If you are on YouTube or Google video, you need to spend a lot of
time searching and refining your searches. Don't simply grab the first video you see and submit it to Flixya. Resist the temptation. Quality over quantity!
3) Ripping and uploading your own videos is a very good idea. If you simply recycle other people's videos from YouTube, then it's difficult to gain interest. My most popular video's are ones that I have uploaded directly onto Flixya or uploaded to YouTube myself and then embedded on Flixya.
Here are a few guidelines for promoting your videos:
1) Submit your stories to social bookmarking and tagging sites. These
include Reddit, Digg, Shoutwire, Delicious and many others. Digg is very popular social news/media aggregator and getting dugg (ie. voted to the front page) will get you a lot of hits. See Digg's for Flixya
2) Use more traditional methods of promotion like email, Myspace, etc. to spread the word.
3) For a much more comprehensive list of ways to promote your videos, I've put together a list on my site forum. Check it out:
If you follow the above guidelines, then a little patience and effort can go a long way! I hope this helps.
-Ziad (ziadchatila)
posted by Flixya @ 6:28 PM,