Extra Exposure with Social Bookmarking Tools
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving =) With that said, we wanted to share some techniques that could greatly improve the broadcast of your videos.
Submitting to social bookmarks can bring exposure to your videos as well as offer an easy way to share and mange your video links. Moreover, it provides a way for search engines to find your content for people to search. One of our goals at Flixya is to help you maximize the exposure of your submitted videos, after all its about sharing your videos for others to watch and enjoy. For those who are participating in the rewards program this also offers a great way to increase your ad impressions.
Today, we will talk about two main methods. 1. Submitting to Digg, 2. Submitting to other Social Bookmarks using a tool by Tagtooga. (batch processing)

1. Digg*
- Go to www.digg.com and register for an account (its FREE!).
- To submit to Digg you can either login and submit via Digg manually, or go to your videos link and click on the Digg icon underneath your video (this will pre-fill some items on the Digg form)
- Alternatively, Firefox users can use the Digg extension, which pre-fills the entry form: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3040/
Either way Digg offers a great way to expand the reach of your content and if it happens to get Dugg, then be prepared for some major views on your video.
*More about Digg:
Digg is a user driven social content website. Everything on digg is submitted by the digg user community (that would be you). After you submit content, other digg users read your submission and digg what they like best. If your story rocks and receives enough diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of digg visitors to see.

2. Social Bookmarking Software
Tagtooga offers a great software that can automatically submit your links to 8 of the most popular social bookmarking websites. After you sign-up with the 8 bookmarking sites, you can enter in your login information and specify your videos link(s) and have it automatically submitted to the 8 sites. For the case of submitting multiple links you can open notepad or a text editor and copy and paste your video links, then load the txt file into Tagtooga software. Either way this offers a simple and effective way to broadcast and bookmark your video links.
Bonus: For those who need more there is an entire list of Social Bookmarking sites on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_software
posted by Flixya @ 7:28 PM,
Site Repairs and Upgrades
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Hey guys,
We apologize for the downtime as our system has been having some problems. The good news is the re-launched site will be on a better server so we definitely look forward to that. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and continued support.
Flixya Team
posted by Flixya @ 1:18 AM,
Cash in on a newTube - USC Daily Trojan
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Cash in on a newTube - Lifestyle
Cash in on a newTube
USC student lures users to video-sharing site Flixya with cash incentives.
by Amanda Georges
When you find yourself glued to YouTube, do you ever wonder why anyone bothers to flood the Internet with these inane videos? What, there was money to be made?
No, YouTube is not starting to pay its users. But, Flixya.com, a new video-sharing network is doing just that.
Co-founded by USC multimedia and creative technologies graduate student Ivan Wong, Flixya offers a new twist to online video networks by giving users three different incentives to contribute: a revenue-sharing program, a rewards program and a charity program. While other sites, such as www.revver.com, have offered similar incentives, Flixya is the first site to offer all three, Wong said.
With the dramatic rise in popularity of video-sharing sites, Wong and co-founder Adam Oliver, a former director of www.stubhub.com, saw the opportunity to allow users to share in the revenue. As captured in the Flixya motto, "share everything," Wong and Oliver set out to provide users a motivation to share videos - and give them their rightful portion of the profit.
Flixya is designed to grant money where it is due. After a user uploads a video from sites such as YouTube, Revver or Google Video, Flixya uses Google AdSense to target ads onto videos to be displayed with the video. The greater the traffic is around a video, the more money that video will generate. The creator of the video is then given 50 percent of the money earned from AdSense.
If a user elects to take part in the rewards program, he or she is awarded points for certain activities on Flixya.
These activities range from sharing a video to recommending the site to friends to simply commenting on videos. Points earned from these activities can then be redeemed for prizes, including iPod nanos, gift cards or an Xbox 360.
The site's last payment option is the charity program, where the user's take is donated directly to a charity fund. Participating groups include the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Doctors Without Borders and the American Cancer Society.
Flixya.com has enjoyed steady growth in users and traffic since its official Aug. 1 debut. Wong is looking forward to the growth and expansion of Flixya. "With the release of new features and the announcement of key partnerships, our goal is to double our traffic over the next few months," he said.
But what does all this say about video-sharing networks? Wong assures Flixya works to deter those who create content just for the money. "Our content-management system allows for moderating spam and inappropriate content, which translates into a rich and uncluttered end user experience," he said.
Colleagues at Revver - which will soon team up with Flixya - also expressed an interest and concern over video sharing as a new industry. Micki Krimmel, director of community at Revver, muses about the Google purchase of YouTube in her Revver blog, feeling the move is a positive sign for Revver and Flixya.
"That's a serious amount of money that validates online video as a viable entertainment medium," Krimmel wrote.
This growth, however, is also a cause of concern. "Deals have been made left and right with big media companies. Google, YouTube and Big Media stand to benefit a lot from the new partnership. But what about the artists? Who will protect the independent creators who have fueled this new media revolution?" she wrote. Krimmel's suggested monetizing keeps the artists' best interests in mind.
Sites such as Flixya and Revver are too young to gauge the effect of monetizing online videos. Even video sharing itself is a changing and growing business.
Trevor White, a freshman computer engineering and computer sciences major, however, isn't impressed by Flixya.
"I would be surprised if the site was around in six months to a year," he said.
White said he agrees with critics who doubt Google's ability to make money from video sharing, and predicts that same doubt applies to Flixya.
Whatever lies in store for video networking, Flixya and Revver are proof that there are still innovative ways to tap into the growing business.
posted by Flixya @ 8:56 PM,
Flixya.com: A Philanthropic Video Sharing Website Backed by Great Management
From the Pulse2.com blog by Amit Chowdhry http://www.pulse2.com/?s=flixya
I was recently contacted by Adam Oliver, a founder of Flixya.com and this opened up my eyes to the world of his online video sharing website. The differentiation factor between Flixya.com and YouTube.com seems to be that Flixya offers reward incentives and ad revenue sharing to its users. This is the first time I’ve heard of this concept and I think it is an amazing idea. Ultimately it is the users that are coming up with the original material and/or taking the time to upload them so this automatically answers the question that a user may ask: “What is in it for us if I join Flixya?”
There are two ways to benefit from Flixya’s ideas. The first is Revenue Sharing. To participate, you must have a Google AdSense account and be registered with Flixya. It is simple to set this up as well. Here’s a [link] to the simple steps it takes to setup a Revenue Sharing account with Flixya. Another requirement is that your videos must also be uploaded on Revver.com, Youtube.com, Video.Google.com, or any other video sharing websites where Flixya can embed the videos. The money made by the Google Ads on the page which are displaying your videos are shared between you and Flixya at 50-50. Where else can you find an Ad Sharing program that offers that much? I have not yet heard of any others.
The second way to benefit from Flixya.com is by its Rewards Program. Geeks like me would drool over something like this. For every comment post that you write, you earn 3 points. For every video you share, you earn 10 points. And for every user you refer, you earn 15 points. Here’s a [link] to some of the prizes that you can earn with certain points. I’m going for the XBox 360!!
If you’re not sold on using Flixya.com yet, maybe you should glance at their Charity Program. Users can also choose an option to share the money they earn from the Revenue Sharing program with charities of their choice including the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, and World Vision. It is programs like these that make the world a better place. In the news you hear about Bill Gates stepping down from his daily activities with Microsoft to concentrate on his charity foundation and Warren Buffett giving away his wealth to charity and now I look at the Flixya.com founders’ philanthropic efforts as no different than the #1 and #2 most richest men in the world.
I have also done a little bit of reading on Flixya’s blog and it appears that founders Ivan Wong and Adam Oliver are making solid partnerships to keep the business growing. On top of that, they are truly standing by their Charity Program initiative. Adam Oliver stated “All revenue collected for the month of August is being donated to charity. We embrace the opportunity to give back to the community. This is our commitment to contributing to worthwhile causes.”
Flixya.com was founded in July 2006 and their Beta service was started in August 2006. Within one month, Flixya services were featured on CNET Japan, many domestic based tech blogs, Digg.com, and were labeled “YouTube With a Heart - Newcomer to Online Video Flixya.com Offers a 50% Revenue Share For Members or Charitable Causes” by PRWeb. Keep up the great work Adam and Ivan, your entrepreneurial and philanthropic spirit won’t be overlooked by the VCs.
posted by Flixya @ 8:38 PM,