Using StumbleUpon to Drive Traffic
Saturday, December 23, 2006
StumbleUpon is a great way for you to drive traffic to your videos. Its easy to setup and get started. Best of all its a way to drive consistent and steady traffic to your videos. We provided some helpful hints below which describe the process as well as useful tips to maximize the benefits of StumbleUpon.
How does StumbleUpon work?
Here is the definition of how StumbleUpon works but basically instead of listing popular stories on the homepage StumbleUpon works by downloading a toolbar which allows you to rate a website as thumbs up or down and view relevant websites (by clicking Stumble!) based on your own preferences.
StumbleUpon Toolbar (screenshot)

StumbleUpon toolbar
To begin receiving traffic from StumbleUpon you must have at least one of your webpages submitted. You can add this yourself by downloading the toolbar and browsing to your video pages, selecting the thumbs up 'I like it!' button will add this page to StumbleUpon.
How to increase StumbleUpon traffic?
The main methods to improve StumbleUpon traffic have been:
* Rating websites
By getting involved in the community and rating some of the websites I visit helps my website appear for StumbleUpon users who have similar interests to my own, therefore they will be more likely to rate my site with a thumbs up! StumbleUpon is time-based, although not to the same extent as Digg, which means the more votes you can get in a short period of time the more traffic you will receive.
* Adding friends
By adding friends you will increase the amount of users who will see your newly added webpages, making them more likely to give your site the thumbs up.
* Submit new webpages
Once I have created a new blog post for example I will submit the URL to StumbleUpon using the toolbar, it is perfectly fine to promote your own website providing you don't overdo it. This will help to increase the amount of my webpages I have present in the StumbleUpon database and improve the likelihood of my site being 'stumbled upon'.
* Carefully selecting topic titles
It is important to categorise webpages carefully to ensure that it will be displayed to relevant users.
* Adding multiple tags
By using multiple tags you can help to attract a wide range of users and by keeping these as relevant to the content as possible will help to keep the traffic targeted.
posted by Flixya @ 12:44 PM,
Happy Holidays
Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Flixya Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
posted by Flixya @ 10:58 PM,
Five Minute Tweaks to Your Google Adsense Account for Higher Payout
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tip 1: Increase your CTR (Click Thru Rate) by removing "Advertise on this Site"
Get rid of the “advertise on this site” text links next to your Google ads. This was automatically added by Google a few months ago. You can remove “advertise on this site” very easily in your adsense admin section. Just log in to your adsense account, click “my account” and look towards the bottom of the page. You’ll see a section called “Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up”. Just click edit and opt out of displaying it. By removing the extra “advertise on this site” text link you might just increase your CTR or click through ratio increasing the money you earn.
Tip 2: Generate a Competitive Ad Filter to Increase Revenue
Goto: to generate your competitive Ad list to filter out any unwanted advertisers or use this attached list here.
Quote from Ads Black List:
If you’re webmaster running AdSense on your own website, you’ve probably seen google ads like “We have found 4 best products for …”, or “Best resources on net for …”. Well in most cases, these advertisers pay you only between $0.01 to $0.03 per click, depending on your site PR (Page Rank), traffic and page views.
Filtering these kind of ads is simply not good enough. We have to eliminate their existance by providing high quality list of these sites which can be freely and easily used and applied by any AdSense Publisher acessing this web site, all for the good of internet’s quality and your higher revenue of course!
posted by Flixya @ 11:06 AM,