Flixya in Germany? Reviewed on Golem.de
Thursday, June 28, 2007
We were happy to discover that Flixya was mentioned on the German website Golem.de!
See the article here: http://www.golem.de/0706/53045.html
Labels: 100% Revenue, Flixya V2 Launch, Germany, Golem.de, Google Adsense
posted by Flixya @ 8:23 PM,
Interview with Flixya - Folksonomy
Big thanks to Sian over at Folksonomy.org for the recent write up!
Check out Flixya co-founder Ivan Wong -- getting ready to throw down!
In other news:
The Flixya t-shirts are now available. Write an article on us and *maybe* we'll send one over. (While supplies last)
Labels: 100% Revenue, Facebook API, Flixya V2 Launch, Folksonomy, Online Video, Social Networking
posted by Flixya @ 2:54 AM,
Flixya Video Publisher 2.0
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Flixya Video Publisher 2.0 is now available!
This version is an upgrade to the Flixya Publisher 1.0 Firefox extension.
A great tool for transferring your videos from YouTube, Metacafe, Revver, Livevideo, Bolt, Veoh, Google Video, Daily Motion and Break.
Caution: Highly habit forming and we recommend using it in small doses.
Get it here: http://www.flixya.com/tools
Flixya Member Services
Labels: 100% Revenue, Firefox Extension, Flixya V2 Launch
posted by Flixya @ 11:53 PM,
Flixya V2 on Mashable
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Excellent write up by Kristen Nicole on Mashable.com
Link: Flixya 2.0 Launches, Users Keep 100% of AdSense Revenue
Have a great Friday!
Labels: 100% Revenue, Blogger, Flickr, Google Adsense, Internet, Make Money, Mashable, Myspace, Online Advertisements, Social Networking, Youtube
posted by Flixya @ 10:10 PM,
New Site FAQ
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Just a quick note about the new site. We will be sending out a newsletter to all our members to answer questions and offer more information regarding any changes to the Flixya site.
Also, the firefox publisher extension for posting videos is being reformatted and currently does not work. The new embed method no longer requires you to upload a thumbnail and is very quick. Of course it's not as fast as the publisher tool and we are working on fixing that.
We are adding questions with answers to our Help Center (Click on Help at the top.) and if you have a question -- feel free to use the help center as the information is then made available for all members.
One other item -- the popular blogs section is displaying the most recent blogs and not the most popular blogs. This is temporary.
Questions regarding the point system and any technical issues are being handled on a case by case basis and we will have an update for everyone who has contacted us by the end of business day.
Feel free to send questions or comments to contact@flixya.com. Thanks again for your patience while we work out the bugs.
Flixya Member Services
posted by Flixya @ 9:16 AM,
Attention Flixya Members
Monday, June 18, 2007
Some of you may be able to see the new Flixya site. In addition to videos, we have added photos and blogs. We built the site from the ground up, so there are a lot of new features and some changes. The best news is that you now earn 100% ad revenue! You can also set up a profile and share all your videos and photos on one page.
We have started to migrate all the data from Flixya V1 to Flixya V2. If you are an existing member, you should be able to log in with your existing username and password. The migration of all member and password information should be completed by Tuesday, June 19th.
If you have a Google publisher id, you can add this to your existing account by logging in and clicking on "My Account", then "Revenue Settings" and select yes and follow the prompts. If you run into any errors, please contact us at contact@flixya.com.
If you notice something out of place, it might be temporary, but we hope to have any rough spots ironed out over the next few days!
There should not be much (if any) downtime. Thanks for your patience in advance and we look forward to seeing you online!
Flixya Member Services
posted by Flixya @ 10:42 PM,
Flixya V2 Upgrade in Progress...
We are currently upgrading to Flixya version 2. Please check back for updates. We hope to be migrated to the new server later tonight.
Note: There might come a time when you cannot access Flixya.com during the upgrade process due to the DNS propogation delay. To update your DNS, you may need to flush your DNS. You can do so by typing this in a Windows command prompt, "ipconfig/flushdns".
Kind Regards,
Flixya Member Services
posted by Flixya @ 5:29 PM,