Better Google Ads and Faster Site
Monday, January 29, 2007
Hey guys,
We wanted to let you know we are still working on the site optimization, so we apologize for any issues. As for the good news, we have started to optimize the page structure for better and more relevant Google Adsense ads. One way to improve the ad quality is to use relevant words and keywords both in the title, tags, description. On a side note if you are using the Flixya Publisher, please remember to make sure the tags are appropriately spaced if needed as sometimes a comma could be in the way. Thats it for now.
Flixya Tech Team
posted by Flixya @ 2:36 AM,
Want a Free Apple Iphone?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Thanks for being a part of Flixya Video Sharing. We have recently experienced some downtime during our database and site improvements and appreciate the continued support.
Our user base has grown considerably over the past month and we wanted to express our many thanks. So far we have given away numerous prizes (Apple Ipod Nanos seem to be the most popular so far) and plan to make some revisions to the rewards program. The number one request? An Apple Iphone! Which will make it on the list of new rewards.
Not familiar with our rewards program? Click here to take a look.
In terms of revenue share, many users have been earning upwards of $300-500 a month and we sincerely appreciate their efforts to spread the word about Flixya as well as aggregate and share some of the latest and greatest videos online.
Another cool happening is the recent Google Pagerank -- is ranked at PR6 =)
Anyway, we sincerely appreciate everyone who has been a part of Flixya.
Flixya Team
PS. Just a heads up the video view counts have been cached to reduce overhead, so most of the figures are currently inaccurate. However, this will not affect your Google Adsense impressions.
posted by Flixya @ 1:30 AM,
Create Up to Date Viral Videos, Leverage the News
Friday, January 05, 2007
When ANY big news even breaks...people will be searching for those videos. So keep your eyes open on the latest new events happening and create videos based on them. Its really as simple as that. Flixya offers an easy to use webcam publisher so you could easily create a video blog on that subject or create your own from scratch.
You can use free software from or to create videos from still images, just add pics and audio. compile it to an .avi or .wmv and upload it to and Making sure you choose the Title of your video correctly.
Use a title that you know people will be looking for. If your not entirely sure, you can upload it twice or three times choosing different titles each time you submit it.
note: name your video file the same as the title for best results. e.g awesoem-video-title.avi
When submitting your videos to YT and VG make sure not to forget to put your Flixya referral link in there, so the traffic from VG and YT will bring you new referrals and make you more money from advertising, and also remember to submit the video back onto Flixya =P
Take care and feel free to contact me if you need any help.
Flixya Tech
posted by Flixya @ 7:49 PM,
Gain Free Search Engine Traffic from Squidoo
Squidoo is a site that allows users to create their own lenses by means of various modules. A great way to gain backlinks and increase the ranking of your videos in the search engines is to utilize Squidoo’s RSS module which will automatically aggregate from your video RSS feeds at specified intervals. This method has worked successfully with some of the top earners of the site and they have graciously offered to email us about it to share with everyone. After all the more traffic to Flixya, the more everyone on the site will benefit from.
Here is a quick example that took less than 10 minutes from start to finish
Below are the steps to boost your video traffic and Adsense earnings with Squidoo's service is easy to use and follow so you could probably skim over most of this. We wanted to provide extra details just in case.
Step 1
go to
and complete the fields
In the desired username field create a username related to what we are doing e.g. free videos, funny videos, viral videos, video money, video cash, video fun, video bookmarking, free video money, free videos, free video cash.
e.g word1-word2-word3
Then click on the Continue Button.
NOTE: after you have registered, you can do all the steps below now, or come back at a later date and update your lens as required, though I strongly suggest, you get it out of the way right now, once its done, you'll find you have a nice automated system of generating great backlinks to your videos on
Step 2.
Create a Squidoo Lens (this is like your profile)
Fill in this field "My lens is about"
use a descriptive term similar to the username you created
next page leave the option " I want to get the word out about " radio button checked.
(note: you can create many different Lenses from this main account)
Check your email and click on the confirmation link provided by
once you have clicked on this link, no go to the Make a Lens link top right of page.
Step 3.
Choose your squid link, make this the same as your title e.g funny-videos
Under the categories, choose the category that most suits your lens.
Check the Yes: My lens is family friendly and Office safe.
Step 4.
Choosing Keywords for your Videos
Preferably you would like to choose these keywords carefully, try focusing on less competitive keywords, test them in google first, try for keywords under 10,000,000 competing pages (ie. When you search for that key term see how many times it appears in top left) then enter the capture letters and click on the Done button.
Next. On the next page that appears, click on the Edit This Lens, Link.
This brings up your main lens info center, which is where you edit your lens
Start editing your bio, lens with images will do much better, add your photo and then edit your bio describing the purpose of this lens.
Now the GREAT part!
By Adding your user RSS video feed from, Squidoo will update the RSS feeds containing your Video links and descriptions at the time interval you set, this means, every time you add a bunch of videos to your Flixya account, these will gain backlinks automatically via this website. This is one of the Great Features of having your own Squidoo site. FREE backlinks and more traffic to your videos.
Next click on the RSS Add your own feeds Edit Button
In the Rss module, complete the fields as described here.
Give your Module a Title
Use the same as your Lens title
Give your module a sub title
Here expand on your above title using words similar to the title though not the same.
What URL would you like to pull RSS from?
here you enter your Members rss feed, example: replace SirachZJ with your username.
How many headlines would you like to show?
= 15
Would you like to include an exerpt from each link in the feed?
Choose, everything available.
How frequently should the module be updated?
= 6 hours.
Would you like to display html in the Exerpt?
Then click on Save. Then Publish.
Now the absolute best thing is you can add as many RSS feed modules as you like, to get even more back links. The more the merrier! Once again Happy New Years!
Flixya Tech Team
posted by Flixya @ 7:39 PM,